Sampford IXL - ERP Integration for Neff, Cannon, IXL and Gaggeneau brands

Modernising, mobilising and monopolising customers through digital technology nouse

Produced by the digital agency, we built the backend of three websites for Neff, Cannon and IXL. The data in these sites is extracted in real time from Sampford IXL's enterprise resource planning software Axapta. Since all product information, accessories, availabilities, skews was present in Axapta there was no need to renter product data.

Where data could not be provided by Axapta, we part integrated Umbraco to allow for management of rich text, images and video. 

To automate business processes we also built a product demonstration calendaring system, a store finder integrated with Google maps, a blogging system, a recipe manager to showcase product features and a frequently asked questions system.

The front end for the website was developed by We did the backend, content management and technical consulting with SIXL's project managers and technical staff.

The resulting solution has increased revenue, deceased costs, mporved operational efficiency and revitalized these brands.
